Ball Action 2.1.6
类型:音乐舞蹈 平台:安卓
大小:84.4MB 时间:2024-05-14
Ball Action目录
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Street basketball "is the street basketball 'HipHop' for background. Throw away all kinds of complicated rules, everyone come to the streets. In the streets, and follow the rhythm of the HipHop, to join together to enjoy the fun of free basketball. HipHop is (HipHop) and hip-hop (hip) and said the basketball box (hop) composed of language, the street basketball HipHop popular music elements of the new street basketball culture combined form the street basketball game now. And a formal sports must strict rules and the way is some discrepancy, but participants could be free to display themselves of the game the way as the biggest value for and charm. In hip-hop music melody like dance for the game in, all people enjoy is the biggest charm. Formal basketball game was restricted by all kinds of rules, but street basketball game is to make the audience feel more luxuriant-so some rules is the key-for no have to follow. The ball hit on the other side of the head bounce back or kicking the ball against the wall and to pass such action is in the street basketball to see, that is what street basketball charm.